Bed bug infestation


New Member
Hello there. I've become involved in a situation with my landlord here are a few details surrounding it.

- bed bugs started biting me and my girlfriend at night a month ago

- we thought it was just fleas because we recently dealt with a flea infestation and figured the last couple were getting us and not the cats

- fast forward till last week or 2 and actually found bed bugs on us

- as I'm writing this I've been up since 3 am and I've killed about 6 bugs, always coming from the ceiling.

- other people (more than 1) in my apartment (duplex) have had bed bugs before and the landlord bombed the apartment beneath us without telling us. They have also never mentioned a bed bug problem in general.

- we made them aware of the bed bugs over a week ago and they said they can't afford to treat everyone's apartment because they just replaced AC units. (They roll up in a new Lincoln Navigator to tell us this)

- I am straight up losing sleep every night waking up with a flashlight and killing bugs every night, we also spray the whole room and rub ourselves down with wintergreen alcohol to prevent biting with moderate success. It's almost become like a routine like brushing our teeth before bed

- I have a bed that cost over 3000$ that I still partially have a loan on, and I'm scared it's infested w bed bugs now.

Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm scared I'm going to be forced to sue these people over my bed or catching a disease from getting bit EVERY single night.

Kindest regards, Dave.
Two options. Pick one.

1 - Stand on your legal rights and have bed bugs for many months.

2 - Go to the nearest do-it-yourself pest control store and buy whatever it takes to treat your own apartment. Do it as often as needed to get rid of them.
If there are others in the building with the "problem", treating your unit will only provide you with temporary respite.

Your belongings will require ongoing treatment, meaning unless you move, you'll need to continue treating your stuff, especially if the critters are coming through the flooring, walls, ceiling.