Bb guns age requirement in the state of California


New Member
I am 14 and I have made to been feel afraid and I want to get a tazer, airsoft gun,peper spray,bbgun,pocket knife I was wondering what was the age that I would have to be to carry these thing leagaly
I am 14 and I have made to been feel afraid and I want to get a tazer, airsoft gun,peper spray,bbgun,pocket knife I was wondering what was the age that I would have to be to carry these thing leagaly

You need to discuss your fears with your parents, guardians, a trusted adult, or call the police - ASAP.

If you do anything on your own, you're heading for big trouble.
The state of CA is not to keen on people carrrying weapons of any type, and at your age you are probably more likely to use them and get yourself or others seriously hurt. Even when intending to protect yourself you can get yourself into trouble with the law and spend a lot of time in jail.
Whatever problems you are having need to be discussed with parents, teachers, school counselors, or other responsible adults so they can provide help. Do not carry a weapon for protection it will only lead to bigger problems for you.
I am 14 and I have made to been feel afraid and I want to get a tazer, airsoft gun,peper spray,bbgun,pocket knife I was wondering what was the age that I would have to be to carry these thing leagaly

Have you talked to any adults about this fear?