bad friend

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New Member
07-27-2004 - 05:48 AM

I sell jewelry in my spare time. I let one of my friend take some of my jewelry so she could help me sell it. She would collect the money for me and so forth. However, this time, she took my jewelry and would not pay up. I asked her to return it back to me but she said I have no evidence against her. I was foolish and did not let her sign any written contract. The only probable evidence is a letter she had written to me a couple of months back indicating she is still collecting some of the money for me. I don't know how I can get her to pay up. Can I bring my case to a small court claim? Please help.
It depends on your local court rules and the value of your claim if you can file a suit in small claims court or have to file in regular court. Go to your court to the "small claims clerk", they usually have a brochure and other material about who can file and how.

Generally you seem to have a case, it depends on the details if you have a breach of contract here, or a conversion claim or something else. You might also have reasons for a criminal charge against her. You might want to go to the police and file a report.

Of course, in all cases you need some proof. This letter surely is a good start. You also need some proof as to how much jewelry she took, the value, etc etc.
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