Auto please help

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So my roommate at school bought a scorpion and it ended up dying. So this girl was talking to someone in a car and i took the scorpion and ran after her and let it go, but when i did she dodged it and it landed in the other girls car. She was stopped and in park but proceeded to but the car in drive and end up hitting a no parking sign denting her bumper. She wants me to pay and I do not think I should but she is threaten to take me to court. Does she have a case and any advice. This is a true story. Please help....
So my roommate at school bought a scorpion and it ended up dying. So this girl was talking to someone in a car and i took the scorpion and ran after her and let it go, but when i did she dodged it and it landed in the other girls car. She was stopped and in park but proceeded to but the car in drive and end up hitting a no parking sign denting her bumper. She wants me to pay and I do not think I should but she is threaten to take me to court. Does she have a case and any advice. This is a true story. Please help....

Tell us what you are talking about.
She claims she has spoken to a lawyer and that if she takes me to court she will demand triple of what I owe her. As of now I owe her $500 but I feel that I did nothing wrong to have to pay for her stupidity. I wanted advice on if I should pay her or not.
I would not pay her anything. Let her sue you. If you are served papers you need to respond to them. What you did was childish though.
Oh, I know it was childish... but it was an honest mistake. So you think if she brings me to court I should be fine? Seeing as I did not put her in drive and I did not make her step on the gas.
The thing is you had control of your property, the dead scorpion, and in error or by accident let it into her car. If she is claiming she got scared, tried to get away and in that panic had an accident, you are responsible. She would win in a small claims court if this is what happened. You did not need to step on her gas to be guilty. Your playing with an insect which scared her into an accident makes you liable. She did not ask you to send the insect into her car. You might want to do the right thing…………I am sure you would have expected same if it were her. Just negotiate the price or level of responsibility if you can. Her evidence may not be enough to win under certain circumstances; But you know in good faith, when you get someone scared, they can make a mistake. You pushed her to that mistake if my narration is what happened. She did not ask to play with you.
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