Auto accident and spinal injury

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New Member
I was in an auto accident over a year ago where A person pulled out in front of me causing me to t-bone them. Police at the scene said it was 100% the other person's fault. I have seen several doctors and had an MRI. The Diagnosis was Early signs of degenerative disc. The doctors do say it was due to the twisting motion of the accident and that I will have this for the rest of my life.

I recently started the settlement process with the insurance company and they offered me a very low ball offer of $7,500. I came back with a much higher offer of $100,000 (for treatment and medication for the rest of my life, I'm 29) they said that was way to high. In attempts to get the ball rolling I brought it down to $75,000, They said no and said there would be no counter offer. They then told me that it was a soft tissue claim and that the degenerative disc was cause by my scolioses (which I don't have and is not in my medical charts).

Can I get some advise?
Consult with a personal injury attorney. You need a real expert in this................You are not equipped to go at this alone. Your attorney would get independent analysis and know how to nail them. Attorneys would charge a percentage of what they get out for you. So you don't really need to worry about paying them ahead of time.
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