art_inexperiment scam

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New Member
Frighteningly Intricate Email Stalker

About a year ago I responded to a call for artists for a workshop in London, and had several email correspondences with the claimed director of the workshop, and then with a claimed photographer. They claimed to like my work and got me involved. I now believe the workshop was fake and that this is just one person with multiple email accounts and personalities.

The claimed director, Sandra, asked me if I used messenger and if we could discuss some ideas for the workshop. I should have never done it. Ever since then, me and all my contacts that were in my hotmail account are being harrassed. My friend in Hawaii sent me an email with a pasted conversation supposedly with me (there was an extra character in my address). I immediately noticed the similarity in style as "sandra" and wrote a nasty email to "her" saying "i know what you are doing, f-off." Second thing I shouldn't have done. They became highly malicious - starting false arguments using my email address against my loved ones. They even went into my friend's account who bought me an airline ticket to visit them in Turkey, found the flight reservation and then wrote to the travel agency from my address saying I wanted to cancel my trip.

The stalker is taking an address like janedoe@hotmail and opening a new account like jane.doe@hotmail. Most people don't notice the slight change in the address and freely communicate with the doppelganger. The stalker is using this method to casually find out information about me and my relationships by talking to my contacts.

They created an account that mimicked one of my clients and knew exactly what type of work we did together -- including real details and accurate tone of writing. I wrote back and forth with them completely fooled until the 4th message when they asked where I was. Then I became suspicious and checked the address-- it was one letter off. I don't fall for it anymore, but others have no reason to question the validity of the sender when their mail says "From Jane Doe" and the fake email address is hidden.

This person was able to read all my mails, look into my close contact's and business mails and gain the knowledge to spend a lifetime harrassing me. It is confusing and embarrassing to everyone and has been going on everyday for almost a year.

In the beginning I closed my hotmail, yahoo, and gmail accounts because they were all getting broken into. I stopped using messenger software. I opened a .Mac account which was fine for a long while but even that got broken into recently. Even if I tell my contacts by phone to look very carefully at addresses before responding, people just don't notice and are at this point fooled very easily since the stalker is so aquainted with me and what I am doing.

I am worried that all my contacts who are using free accounts have been violated by this stalker and that we'll never be able to use email to communicate comfortably again.

The last nasty thing they did was erase a mail from a client of mine asking me for business. And are currently writing really nasty dialogs supposedly from me to people I love, and maliciously sending copies yo me too, as if to gloat. I have written to warn my contacts about it, they never get the mails. Somehow the hacker/stalker is erasing mails I send that tell people to watch out-- or that "I didn't write that!" I've actually hand written and mailed letters to my international friends to warn them.

This person is continuously looking into any or all accounts remotely associated with me, and may have access to lots of innocent people's addresses.

I filed a police report 6 months ago, filed with the FBI internet security (ICS), reported lots of mails and fraudulent addresses to hotmail, yahoo, .mac, gmail, and IF the account gets shut down, the stalker just reopens new ones. And the number of people involved is astonishing.

This REALLY SUCKS. I don't know who this person or people are or what they can be gaining out of this. It's as if their only job is doing this. They are not slowing down at all. And they seem absolutely ruthless and frighteningly professional. I don't know if I feel physically threatened, but this is like a black cloud over everything all the time. I feel helpless. And it is extremely disturbing that someone would dedicate this much time towards me and my affairs. If they wanted to harm me, I'm sure they'd know exactly how to find me.
If no one responds send a private message to thelawprofessor and ask him to read your post. If I remember correctly, this is close to his area of expertise.
The easiest way is to pay for an email account with a reliable host or get your own. Buy a domain at a registrar that will provide you with your own free email account. There are tons of them. So for example, go to directnic or godaddy and register and make your email and you'll have a unique email address that is more difficult to copy. Your domain name now cannot be duplicated as it could by manipulating the recipient/username portion of your email address, e.g. vs. The stalker will actually have to register an account to try to harass you this time. At that point, someone will be on file where you can obtain personal information if this happens and you'll be able to nail the identity of the stalker.

Sorry about what happened to you. I can imagine the stress. Let me know if this helps you out a little.
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