Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Arrested during drug raid at job site

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New Member
My husband,a self-employed auto painter, was arrested for being under the influence (HS11150(a))at a customer's house when police did a drug raid while he was repairing dents on her car in in front of her garage.

They were looking for her visiting boyfriend, who they believed lived there(not true) and who had a bench warrant.

They dragged my husband out from underneath the car,threw him to the ground and handcuffed him before he even knew what was going on.They then raided the house(no search warrant), searched my husband's car, and arrested everybody except for the grandmother(whose house it really was)and took them to the station for a drug test. No drugs were found.My husband was given a ticket and released after 4 hours.

How do we find out what the results of the blood test were?

Did they have the right to treat my husband like that?
He wouldn't have to consent ... unless agency policy prohibited it, the police could have forced the test if they believed he was under the influence.

Her question has been answered on two other forums.

- Carl
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