Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Are there sting operation guidelines? (Craigslist Prostitution question)

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Hawaii

Good morning,

I have a quick question. I've seen all over the country where police have been conducting sting operations on the Prostitute ads on Craigslist. Great service if you ask me. However, it finally hit my small hometown, though in a different way.

The police arrested a prostitute, booked her and took her to jail. They somehow struck a deal with her, and 30 minutes after she was booked, they let her solicit 3 men online, lure them into a hotel room and bust them. (Not all at once). At first I didn't care much for it, til I realized that she was an actual prostitute.

Are there any guidelines at all to these things? It would seem more appropriate to just bust the out of town Prostitute, instead of letting her solicit 3 men, let her go scott free and return $4100 dollars in cash to her. Something smells fishy here, and no one I've talked to seems to have an answer as well. (I don't have any friends/family in the legal field).

P.S. The prosecutor said they aren't seeking charges against the woman who was actually from California. (that sounds like traveling prostitution, which i thought was a felony?)

Thank you.
Are there any guidelines at all to these things?
Yes. There are legal boundaries that must be adhered to as well as agency policies and procedures. These will vary by state and by agency to some degree. Thus, there is no universal handbook on how to handle prostitution stings on line.

- Carl
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