APPROX 30 toll tickets... help

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New Member
I stupidly racked up about 30 toll tickets and it's been over a year since i've gotten the tickets. I want to get my license reinstated but lawyers quoted very high prices. Is there any way to take care of this by myself?
thanks, however I can't just pay the fines, they're considered moving violations and i'll lose my license for over a year with that many points so no thank you.
Then it's highly likely you'll lose your license.

Seriously - do you think there's somehow a way of getting out of it? :confused:
thanks, however I can't just pay the fines, they're considered moving violations and i'll lose my license for over a year with that many points so no thank you.

Then your only hope is to go to court and ask the judge if you can pay the fine without the points, or a reduced number. Whether that will work or not is anyone's guess - it depends on the judge. With that many violations, don't count on a reduced fine. But the judge may allow you to a payment plan.

The bottom line is this is not going to just go away, and you are not going to just work out some deal easily. And if you continue to ignore this, you will end up with a warrant for your arrest, if you don't have one already since this has been a year.

Basically at this point your only options that don't involve a lawyer is go to court or go to jail.
thanks, however I can't just pay the fines, they're considered moving violations and i'll lose my license for over a year with that many points so no thank you.

Do you really think you'll find a way out without real consequences:no:

Buddy if you can't renew your license, it's a moot point. So, you're welcome:D
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