Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Anybody know where to get info...

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on criminal law in the state of Georgia? My friend is in jail there right now for prostitution and I am trying to help her. They won't let anyone talk to her (they said she has used all of her phone calls), so I don't know anything more than that right now. I'm in a different state and therefor I am not familiar with Georgie state law; anybody know of any websites I can visit or perhaps of any free legal advice services for the state of Georgia I can give to her sister??
Does she have a lawyer? You can see that online in the counties website...........Contact the lawyer if you want to see her.........If she does not have one, get her one if you can affort one, or contact he public defender.
Anybody know

Use your computer. Search "Criminal Statuates in Georgia" then see where that takes you. All government laws and most state laws can be found.
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