any suggestions? What to do next?

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New Member
i recently went to trial for running a red light, which by the way i did not. During the officer's testimony, the officer testified that the light facing him was green for 3 sec and that's when i entered the intersection and if that was the case, which it was not, i would of gotten into an accident with the vehicles going in that direction. Also the judge was acting as a prosecutor asking the officer leading question. I wanted to object, but the first objection that i did, the judge/commissioner shut it down right away. When it come to my turn, i explained what happened, and the light was yellow when I made the turn, and the only reason the officer pulled me over was for the fact my car looked like a "street racer" car per the officer which he by the way admitted to. I testified after he pulled me over right away he asked what i had under my hood of my car several times and asked if i was a racer, which i replied no every time and also if the officer liked he could check my car, he responded no and then started questioning about a bar in the back seat and asked if that was used for racing and i replied no. He citied me for the ticket and i felt like that was the only reason i was pulled over was because of my car. So i ask the officer "how his day was going?" he says that "they have been really strict on "street racer" today and my car looked like a street racer but after speaking to me i did not seem like a street racer." Then, he asked the officer if he and said, what i was talking about, officer confirms and both the officer and judge started talking to each other as if they where best friends, and judge says, that the testimony about the street racer comment is irrelevant. And then rules against me saying the is no doubt that i ran the red light, and the officer walks smiling at me and starts acting like a 2 year old by saying, "bye, bye you lost, bye bye you lost".

It's just really frustrating when you know you haven't done anything wrong and you get punished for it. This particular judge/commissioner, is know to be bias against defendant. On another occasion during my friend's trial, the officer completely got the description of my car wrong and my still he was found guilty. I didn't know he was going to be assigned to my case until the trial.

To me the city i live in seems that only to win is if the officer does not show up.

I guess in trial you guilty until proven innocent.

I did request the trial to be recorded. Should i file a complaint against the judge/commissioner, can i file for appeal or let it go?

Thanks in advance for any advise
I have seen a few of those in my life too……………But the real question is: Do you have the time, commitment and money to waste or fight for something you believe…….Or should you just pay the 75$ fine (guessing……cost in many cities)? We sometimes lose not because we are wrong but just to wait and win the bigger fights. Just move on, they would get the part of the pie sooner than later…..
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