Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Animal cruelty or abuse?


New Member
So my dog (1 year old German shepherd) when in my backyard, barks at the sight of people and other dogs. My neighbor has complained before and we have begun training to make him less aggressive when outside the house with other people. So far so good as I can take him to the park and go hiking with me. We also don't have him in our backyard as much and he doesn't bark unless he can see people. My neighbor has thrown pieces of cement and rock at my dog for barking. We have seen him messing with my dog when he looks over the wall dividing us. Today he was continuously spraying my dog with water, when we went out to see what happened he stopped. He told us he was doing it because he was a nuisance. What legal action or actions can I take?
You could do the dog a favor and put privacy screening around the fence so he's not seeing the neighbors/dogs in other backyards. You could also crate train the dog.
He is crate trained and we have a wall dividing us, high enough to where it takes effort to look over and even to spray or throw things at my dog.
So my dog (1 year old German shepherd) when in my backyard, barks at the sight of people and other dogs. My neighbor has complained before and we have begun training to make him less aggressive when outside the house with other people. So far so good as I can take him to the park and go hiking with me. We also don't have him in our backyard as much and he doesn't bark unless he can see people. My neighbor has thrown pieces of cement and rock at my dog for barking. We have seen him messing with my dog when he looks over the wall dividing us. Today he was continuously spraying my dog with water, when we went out to see what happened he stopped. He told us he was doing it because he was a nuisance. What legal action or actions can I take?

IF a person is being abused, you call the police.
If an animal is being abused you call the police, sheriff, and/or animal control.
In some locales you call the town marshal, or constable.
Call the applicable agency, report the matter.
It may take some time, but each call documents the abuse.
That way if Rover mysteriously ingests anti-freeze ( dog molester's poison of choice), you'll have documentation of these incidents.

The thing you don't want to do is take action yourself.

Its best to allow the great law enforcement agencies of this country to do what we pay them to do, protect and serve us all.
Agree, barking or not - if the dog is being abused, call the police, humane society or local animal protection assoc.
So my dog (1 year old German shepherd) when in my backyard, barks at the sight of people and other dogs.

There is nothing more annoying than the incessant barking of a dog like that.

he doesn't bark unless he can see people

Which is the absolutely the wrong time to bark.

I'm surprised that you haven't been fined for it.

I suggest you try one of those bark collars and see if that will convince your dog not to bark at people.

I'm a dog lover, but you aren't going to win this.