Am I required to testify against my adult child?

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This incident happened in the state of Alaska. I reside in Washington state:
My son in law was arrested for domestic violence against my adult daughter and has been in jail for four months. There has been an article in the Alaska newspaper about it and postings were made from people. After several months of reading these posts of bad things towards my adult child, I (her mother) posted a comment asking people who know my daughter to email me with info about her. Sadly, she is a habitual and compulsive liar. She (my daughter) informed me today that the DA for the state of Alaska will be asking the judge to grant permission for this newspaper to give out all internet IP addresses so that the DA may serve subpeona's to the people who have commented on this case. Most of which were not for the good of my daughter. I posted once. I Live in Washington state and have never been to Alaska. I did not see anything that happened. I only know what my daughter told me and also what my son in law told me. I do not fly nor do I drive on freeways. I am terrified of these. My question is this: If I am Subpeonaed to appear in court in the state of Alaska to testify AGAINST my daughter, do I have to? Is there a law that states that a mother does not have to testify against her child? I do not want to do this.
Thank you in advance for your answers/advice/comments.
Yes, you can be compelled to appear in court.
You are not immune from testifying against your child.
The state will pay your way to Alaska, if they want your testimony.
But, you have nothing to say.

All you know is considered hearsay.
Someone will speak with you about your information if they want to subpoeana you.
You'll tell them that you have no direct knowledge of this incident.
All you know is what he said and she said.
Once they learn that, you most likely won't be called.
But, if you are, come on up.
When they get you on the satnd, tell the truth.
You know only what you've been told.
You didn't see anything because your were hundreds of miles away when it happened.
You have nothing to worry about.
Just tell the truth.
The truth shall set you free.
So someone from the DA's office will call me first to ask questions before issuing a subpeona?

They might.
Every jurisdiction is different.
They might just subpoena you.
But, from what you said people are saying about your daughter, she may just be lying.
Wait and see what happens.
Thank you very much for your help. But like I stated above, I am terrified of flying and of freeways. Too many car wrecks and the last time I flew there was a problem with the wing in flight. Everyone thought we were going to crash. We didn't but that was in 1983. I have not been on a plane since then. Can they make me fly even though I am terrified of it? Again thank you so much for your help and your reply's.
There is no law (I believe you're thinking along the lines of spousal privilege, correct?) which protects a parent from testifying against their adult child.
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