Alzheimers question - p.o.a. - tx

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New Member
My step-dad could no longer handle my mother with alzheimers, so my siblings moved her from az to tx, and she is doing much better with the right meds and plenty of activity with family, etc. It costs my dad 7oo per month, while my mom pays 2500. He wants to take her back now and put her in a cheaper facility in az. Is there any loophole in the law to help us? He has power of attorney. My mom is alive because her quality of life has gone up. She isn't as depressed, she actually is starting to have short term memory.

I'm thinking of her best interest. It's not in her best interest to be separated from family when her husband is only one person to visit with. She will fall into depression again.

Monica ruby
You have no legal remedy.
Your step-father is your mother's closest next of kin by virtue of their marriage.
But, you could speak with your step-father about his decision.
Why not have all of the family member's present?
But, it is his decision, and he doesn't have to speak with you or give you his reasons.

How would you like it, if someone was trying to invade your marriage?
He may not be your father, but he is her husband.
And, that is all that matters in this case.
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