Alarm Company pull credit w/o authorization

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Dallas,Tx

On May a man Knocked on my door saying the my house was in a very good location and that the company that he represents ( Alarm Company X ) is trying to expand his business and that they were looking for houses with good location to place their adds,in return they will provide me with a new alarm system. I explained to him that I already had an alarm system, he said it was free and it had many new features that my old system probably did not had. at this point I was concern about them selling anything to me. I did not wanted to get my credit pull because I am in the process to buy a new home next year. so I did let him know that I did not wanted my credit to be pull , he said " don't worry the alarm system is free! I am not selling you anything. we do not require a your SS# the only thing you have to pay is for the monitoring" . so the next concern to me was, how much this monitoring is going to cost me ? since I already own an alarm system and my monthly fee is $21.00
I asked him how much were we talking about? he said it was 39 per month plus taxes. my response was: no, I can not do this. I know the free system sounds good but why would I go from $21 to $39 ? so I said NO.
I never signed any document the only thing he asked was my name and tel phone number.

A couple day latter I decide to check my credit when I notice that they did pull my credit I contact the company that pull my credit and they said that they are a third party company that the inquiry came from an alarm system company they give me this company in formation .

can I sue this company?
It is illegal to pull your report without your authorization, and I would call the police. But you wouldn't really have a case for court because you would have to prove damages, and there are none.

This type of inquiry would not be one that would bring your credit score down. It's not going to affect your home loan.
Thank you tpajet for your response but I still disagree.

I was on the impression that if any company pulls your credit without your authorization Under the terms of the Fair Credit reporting Act, a "willful" violation entitles a consumer either to actual damages or statutory damages of $100 to $1,000 per violation, plus punitives. A negligent violation, by contrast, results only in actual damages.

I really Believe this was a willfull violation since I did let them know that I did not wanted my credit to be pull. I do not have a relationship with this company. is not like if I have a contract or a loan with them , where they can check my credit at will.

I had file a complain on trough the BBB, the alarm company responded that will send a letter to the credit bureaus to get this corrected , since they admitted pulling my credit with out my authorization that to me is a WILLFUL VIOLATION don 't you think.

Is there any FCRA attorney that can help me with this issue?
tpajet I disagree please see below:

Under the terms of the Fair Credit Act, a "willful" violation entitles a consumer either to actual damages or statutory damages of $100 to $1,000 per violation, plus punitives. A negligent violation, by contrast, results only in actual damages.

This alarm Company has admitted that they did pull my credit and that they will correct this with the credit bureaus , that was their response they give after i filled a complain through the BBB.

Since I do not have a relation ship and I did not apply for credit they Willful violated the credit act , is not like if I did had a relationship or i was applying for credit.

is there any FCRA attorneys that can help me to clarify this?
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