advise needed on workplace cursing

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New Member
Hi- I am currently working for a temp agency that has me working in a boat factory. The conditions are very harsh with the fumes, dust, etc etc. This puts alot of the workers on edge, so I understand at times employees will complain, curse, and have tempers. However, when does it cross the line when the "lead" or supervisor puts the employees down, curses at them, and makes them feel beneath them? I am repeatedly called "sh*&" head, dumb a**, the "f" word is used in the instructions on how to do something. If I go back to the temporary agency then they will just pull me out of the job and place me somewhere else which I have already invested alot of time learning, and being trained in this job. The pay is higher then average and do not want to have to move locations. Is there anything that can be done? At this point , its offensive and getting worse by the day. I am not one to complain because its hard to find work these days, but at the same time I feel something should or could be done to stop the way myself and other people are treated at the job. Any sugguestions would be helpful.

While I do not approve of an employer allowing such language in the workplace, it is not illegal and as you have described it, does not create an atmosphere of illegal harassment or discrimination. Everything that is offensive is not prohibited by law.
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