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New Member
hi I sending this letter to da for a ticket reduction any advice ?

Dear DA:
I am writing this letter to request that a plea bargain be reached for the matter stated below:
I am currently charged with a speeding violation of traveling 83mph in a 65mph zone.

I did not commit this violation since I was cruising on 65 mph alongside several other cars. Hence; I am disputing the accuracy of the officers radar reading. I feel that, with the assistance of competent counsel I will be able to prove my stance in court.

In order to resolve this matter promptly, it is my suggestion that a settlement be reached in the form of the reduction of this charge to a non-points violation. I will re-direct the funds allocated for the obtainment of a lawyer towards the payment of the fines associated with the charges. (Because I live 300 miles away and I don't own a car it is very difficult for me to come down and that is why) I hope a settlement can be reached.

Please inform me of your decision at your earliest convenience. Thank you and I look forward to a satisfactory conclusion to this matter
Yeah, they'll ignore that and convict you. If you don't appear, you'll also accrue a FTA, lose your license, and your insurance will skyrocket.

Hire a lawyer, it's your only way to ease your pain.
hi I sending this letter to da for a ticket reduction any advice ?

Dear DA:
I am writing this letter to request that a plea bargain be reached for the matter stated below:
I am currently charged with a speeding violation of traveling 83mph in a 65mph zone.

I did not commit this violation since I was cruising on 65 mph alongside several other cars. Hence; I am disputing the accuracy of the officers radar reading. I feel that, with the assistance of competent counsel I will be able to prove my stance in court.

In order to resolve this matter promptly, it is my suggestion that a settlement be reached in the form of the reduction of this charge to a non-points violation. I will re-direct the funds allocated for the obtainment of a lawyer towards the payment of the fines associated with the charges. (Because I live 300 miles away and I don't own a car it is very difficult for me to come down and that is why) I hope a settlement can be reached.

Please inform me of your decision at your earliest convenience. Thank you and I look forward to a satisfactory conclusion to this matter

As AJ implied, this won't even be read by the DA. If it is actually read, it's going to end up in the circular file.

Think about it - why on earth should anybody take your word for it?
Agree, that's not going to fly - talk to a lawyer.
As AJ implied, this won't even be read by the DA. If it is actually read, it's going to end up in the circular file.

Think about it - why on earth should anybody take your word for it?

the da office has an official form to make a plea bargain via mail since its located what you would call no man land basically the tickets is large part of there revenue
the da office has an official form to make a plea bargain via mail since its located what you would call no man land basically the tickets is large part of there revenue
the da office has an official form to make a plea bargain via mail since its located what you would call no man land basically the tickets is large part of there revenue

Use/complete the official form & send it in - see what happens.
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