Advice please!!

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New Member

So here's my predicament. I moved in with my girlfriend at the time about a year ago.. she was having trouble with her dorm situation at school, so I told her she could stay with me (since she was a lot anyway) until she found an apartment for herself. About 7 months into our relationship, we decided that we wanted to live together for the time being and that she offered to pay for rent for the next 7 months or so since I had paid and had been paying for rent and most of groceries/living expenses until that point. Bottom line is.. she never gave me one cent towards rent. Month after month I fronted the rent and she agreed to put it on her tab and she would pay me back. She was supposedly having trouble at the bank with some fraudulent activity. I trusted her, and figured when this all got figured out she would just take money out (that a family member had supposedly transferred to her) and pay me back. Within the past week, I told her I couldn't wait any longer (yes it wasn't the first time I said that), and that if the money didn't show up I had to give notice on the apartment since the lease was up at the end of 2011. The money still didn't come through, so I gave notice. We had LOTS of things come up where we got in fights regarding family, money, etc. etc. It got to the point where I told her I thought she should stay at a friends until she could prove that she wasn't lying and we could figure all of this out. She agreed calmly at first, and then came all of the blame for "not trusting her", even though when we went to the bank they had NO record of her ever having an account there other than a student loan from a few years ago. On top of which, I spoke to the family member who was the one who "gave her money" and had been helping her throughout our relationship with various personal matters, and he said that he barely new who she was and they had not had any contact in a few years. I really started calling her out on this, although I did it in a way that said "I believe you, just prove it to me and then you can be angry and of course I will apologize" type of thing. She couldn't prove it, wound up getting into a big fight where she once again blamed everything on me and my family, and left. I came back soon after to the apartment to find that not only had she left, but a significant amount of money that I had kept in the apartment from way before I met her was gone along with a few sentimental items to me that may have been worth something as well. She denies it ALL.. although there is not ANY other way that the money and items could have gone missing. They were buried in a random box that only I knew where they were, and she was the only one that was ever alone in the apartment. Everything was in the place I had left it; except for what was missing.

Is there anything I can do?? Please let me know of your advice.. I have been severely screwed over, and put into a situation that I have to evacuate the apartment while putting my life back together, and obviously the missing financial piece that was both stolen, and not paid back to me from 7 months of rent is not there and having a big impact on the bills.

Thank you!
Dude, she really put it to you.

Get ready, because you're not going to like my answer.

There is nothing you can do.

Sure, you can tell the cops, but they'll tell you that you have no proof she took the money.

You can forget that.

You could sue her in small claims, but that'll be useless.

She's a broke, busted, drug addict, deadbeat.

She conned you.

Even if you took her to court, you'd lose.

You see, people in relationships do favors for each other.

I suggest you move on and let it go.

There are no legal remedies that'll help you.

The illegal remedies aren't worth messing up the rest of your life to invoke.

Sorry, Charlie, she got you real good, and that is bad!!!
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Cheaper than a prostitute. Not enough info to determine whether a wife is more expensive. You got no criminal record, did not need to evict her through the court and still have money left. Kinda like a micro divorce. Aren't you glad she isn't preggers???
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