Assault & Battery advice please

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New Member
my boyfriend is currently incarcerated on a cds possesion charge, i have a lawyer however i wonder about his credibility... my boyfriend was walking down a street minding his business when about 5 cops jumped him and asked his name and what not after checking up on him in there handy little computers they found an arrest warrant from months ago, now what i dont understand was he was arrested a couple weeks before on a tresspassing charge why didnt the warrant come up then? how come they didnt come get him? why was he never aware he had a warrant? anyways after they beat him and mased him they found 5 pieces of crack-cocaine in his pocket he is a user they also "found" 30 more pieces near him on the ground...they locked him up for possesion with intent to distribute assault on a police officer and there he sits...please help me what can i do to insure some of this is dropped what can he do should he file a report of the abusive cops in our neighborhood? he is black and they had no reason to mess with him besides that reason...please dont judge him or me yes he had a drug problem and he does have a previous possesion charge but he does not deserve the possible 10 year penalty for 5 pieces...that was all that was his....:confused:
The only thing you can do is to get a good lawyer...........He has priors so that could make his sentence longer. No one can give sound legal advice without seeing the police reports and statements. But from what you say, it does not sound good and he just has to cut a deal. The only way you can help him is to get a good private criminal lawyer. Good luck!
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