Adultery, need advice

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New Member
Can I press charges to a person for having an affair with my spouse? I dont have any hard evidence other than a letter from my spouse confessing and asking for forgiveness after I discovered the affair.
I want the lover to pay legally if possible for the pain and suffering we are going trough. But I dont know if there's anything that can be done.

I discovered the affair 1 August 2008.
Live in Washington

Thank you
US Army
Very very few states still have adultry laws on the books. those that do very very rarely enforce them. Your best action is just file for Divorce and move on. By the way I want to thank you and your fellow men and women in uniform for protecting our freedom. God Bless you
You probably cannot do anything. Alienation of affection lawsuits rarely go anywhere these days. Your spouse is also responsible for the affair too.
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