adoption vs. emancipation

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this is a long story, but i'll try to keep it as brief as possible.
i just want to make sure everyone gets the story.
my mom had me at a young age (17).
she moved out of my grandma's at 18, and left me there.
she still came over to visit and what not, but she never really
took care of me. i mean she didn't even give my grandma money
for my expenses. she ended up doing the same thing with my younger sister.
(my sister currently lives with my grandma)
when i started high school i came out that i was lesbian
and my mom flipped out, and for the longest time we didn't talk.
when it came to my senior year we finally started talking again, and
we talked about college.
i applied to Ai (thea arts institute) of Los Angeles.
my mom seemed to want to help.
I was wrong, she didn't want anything to do with it financially.
she thought i just needed her for emotional support i guess.
when we talked to the financial advisor at Ai, he explained to my mom
that she couldn't just walk away, that i had to be legally emancipated,
married, pregnant, or 24 yrs old to do it on my own.
(i am currently 18 yrs old)
my mom ended up cosigning a loan.

well, my mom has ignored all my calls, emails, and txts since then.
and know i have the school calling me telling me to just get a bus fair and go.
i live 2 hours away from LA, and i have no money what so ever.
and i explained to the school my situation, but they don't seem to understand.

i am living with my girlfriend and her family for free until i get a job.
and i haven't had the best of luck with finding one.
i can't do anything about school with my mom in the picture
because i'll just get the same thing as before.
so what i wanted to know is how do i get her to be out of
my life financially.
do i take the adoption route, where my girlfriend's family would adopt me.
or the emancipation route, the problem with this is i'm not living on my own
and or making money to support myself.
i would get married, but the problem with that is if and when the voters
of california decide to ban same-sex marriages again, the marriage will
not be valid anymore.
plus, i'm not ready to marry, and its not good to just marry someone to
get away from my mother financially.

so please tell me what i should do here.
and if you have anymore questions please ask.

thank you.

- ashley
please respond.

i didn't really mean to make a thread, but please can someone help in finding a direction to take with this issue? it would be greatly appreciated
I'm not really sure what you want to do. At 18, you are legally emancipated in most states.

However, I believe the financial advisor was mistaken. Your mother's financial info is necessary for federal loans until you are 24 or married. Neither emancipation or pregnancy remove the need for the parent's info. If you have another family adopt you, then their financial info would apply.

I just don't understand what the problem is. It sounds like you have a loan that your mother cosigned. Do you want to drop out of the school? Are you trying to qualify for more money? :confused:
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