Accused of stealing jewelry


New Member
"Joe" my boyfriend has a full time job, due to weather/lack of work with the company he has to find other income. In our neighborhood he's been able to find many customers repairing their homes . He is known as affordable, reliable, trustworthy & often you hear the phrase "a young man trying to help others,not ripping people off good guy just trying to support his family." Approximately 2 years ago he began working for "Jane" a woman in our neighborhood. Doing various jobs painting, home repairs,installing 12 security cameras, basically anything she needed. He would even go several hrs after work in the evenings. This lady is very particular, everyday he move furniture, personal items,clean area etc, in sections & put back together before he left. She breeds & sells dogs can prove with business card,we went on FB screen shot her posting for adaption & selling prices so customers came unexpectedly to her home. Its correct to say she runs a "puppy mill." This woman also draws SSI unclaiming this income, she has legally changed her name because she claims she's a victim of identify fraud. My boyfriend "Joe" & myself started having relationship problems because of this lady. She would call him,text,send family to knock on our door, any measure needed especially if he did not answer. She would give him her house key. She became a argument everyone knew & he had stayed several argument nights at her house. He rarely received cash & when he did it was small amounts like $20, over 2 years she gave various items 2 flat screens, jewlery, rugs,household items/decor, a broken AC Unit to scrap,cellphone, suitcase of make-up half unopened, etc. Which some items we pawned, material things dont buy diapers or pay bills. Oct 2014 she had asked me who recently was jobless & lost vehicle to come organize & clean her house she made statement "it would reassure me of her & Joes relationship" she was aware of my distrust with her & especially after the make-up was given, well over $300 worth unopened? I worked over a month, found she is a horter of new items,unorganized & it was dirty all dog kennels are inside(20+dogs)& dust had sat so long items needed warm soapy water. I also let dogs outside, changed bedding, fed & watered dogs many times, while I detail organized her home, she wouldnt want items & say "you can have this or just trash it", bras, toys, kitchenware etc. Jane had repossessed her car from a guy. Came to Joe & myself knowing we were in need & wanting to make a agreement on the car. Agreement (all saved thru text) 1st payment she wouldn't charge & give $100 or keep insurance for a month on car. Suspicious of her character I spoke with our Landlord about her & a situation. Jane had called us down & we arrive a cop was there she asked Joe did he see or have several jewlery items. He had worked the night before & she was aware he had her building key. He told her he saw her rings where the building key was & yes looked at them. She told us her house was broken into all rings were gone. He asked cop to go check his work pants just to make sure where he found loose change, key, chap stick, a ring & other various items. He brought 1 ring & key back to her house saying he must have put it in his pocket being in a hurry after her phone call adding more work. He is honest man never stolen & wouldnt brought ring back if he had intentions of stealing it he would of hid it. Jane nor the cop question his intentions. I questioned hers! After cop left we stayed I asked her why she didn't have insurance on these high priced items, never answering but made a statement " I need to sell this place to my mom & have her sell it back to me" this raised more suspicions of her character. My landlord told me to get a written agreement not to trust her. I pushed for the agreement, she didn't do anything so I refused to go down there & finish up the 1 closet left until written agreement was made. Joe cont. to do work for her. It became her or our relationship right before Thanksgiving 2014, he chose us. He never returned to even get his tools, We let go of everything still owed to us, she was finally out of our lives. Two weeks ago it's now mid Feb a police investigator came to our door stating mid Dec she filed a report of stolen jewelry & AC unit & that Joe stole it. We didn't lie we had nothing to hide we told him the situation and that she gave us various items for payment, yes jewelry & AC for scrap & that we had no way to scrap AC that Joe sold it to her neighbor right behind her & the amount. We told him of her character and how we have proof. He called yesterday stating Joe needed to contact him because jewelry was pawned & Jane identified it was some of the stolen, or he would put a warrant out. Joe tried today the investigator never called back. The investigator told me she's right she only gave us 2 flat screens & some cash in almost 2yrs she is the victim & we are lying. Even though we stated we have proof where she owes us & that she wouldnt give us a contract with vehicle & is just mad I won't let him return. Also look at proof of her committing SSI fraud, running a puppy mill to diminish her character & show she's a liar. Joe nor myself ever stole from Jane. We have started asking for character statements on Joe with others he's done work for. Statements what they knew & things witnessed. Jane is stating 1 piece of jewlery we pawned for $100 is worth $10,000. Not even sure she can prove that or some items pawn was hers, & the investigator is going off of her word, she does have papers for AC Unit that was scrap that she gave. We have told the truth about everything & complied with the investor it dont seem to matter to him we are liars. Where do we legally stand? what can we do? We are good honest people & scared!
I'm going to be brutally honest here.

Joe was absolutely fine with her SSI and puppy-mill accusations, right? Right up until the LEO brought back a ring that just happened to fall into Joe's pocket?

Joe needs an attorney. Because as it reads, the only reason Joe is raising these issues is because he was caught with her property. What Joe needs to realize though is that no matter how shady she is, she has proof - SOLID PROOF - that he took a ring of hers. I'm sure you're not trying to state that it's okay to do that, right?

I doubt your landlord is going to put his reputation on the line, either. You're much easier to get rid of than the old lady.
Never, ever, under any circumstances talk to the police.
You can't talk yourself out of trouble. You can only talk yourself into trouble.
Stop trying to explain. The reason the cops generally talk to people isn't to hear your side. Your side means nothing to a cop on the hunt. You're prey.
All you can do is SHUT UP, BE POLITE, BUT BE FIRM.
If the cops return, simply and politely say, "I wish to invoke."
Say nothing more, because they'll try to get you to blab.
Simply smile, be polite, and keep saying, "I invoke."
If you're arrested, stay calm, cooperate with the booking process, mugshots, fingerprints, name, date of birth, etc..., but NOTHING about the case or charges.

When you get to court, plead not guilty, and request a public defender.
If you have to spend 5 minutes, 5 days, or 5 months in jail; don't discuss your case with other inmates.
If you do, you could be snitched out.
Good luck.
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The bottom line is if anyone has gotten arrested/does get arrested, get a lawyer & talk only to the lawyer. If a lawyer cannot be afforded, ask the court if they will appoint a public defender.