Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft accused of shoplifting


New Member
So I went to kohl the other day to return an outfit on my way out i started browsing and trying on cloth. I got distracted and tried on a lot of clothing. I got a phone call from my friend who needed me asap. So I decided not to give in to my spending urges and I put the clothing down and left the store. When walking to my car some guy tried to stop me and ask me to come back into the store. The guy was acting weird and it didn't occur to me what was going on. So I ignored him and kept walking. Later i got a phone call from my boyfriend saying police showed up looking for me saying i got caught shoplifting at kohl. I called the number they left immediately after finding out. I offered to show up at the police station. I offered them to search me, my car, my house, anything. The police officer kept getting rude and demanding. He said he would give me til the end of the night to come and return the stolen merchandise. They said a pair of pants i tried on had tags to other items in them. I told them I'd come to the police station however I had not stolen anything therefore had nothing to return. They said don't bother that they'd put me in cuffs.Idk what to do.
They also said they have on video me going in the dressing room with a hand full of clothing and only coming out with a pair of jeans. Yet the dressing rooms are completely unattended. Every dressing room i used had clothing from the previous customer. And 100% i put my unwanted clothing on the rack outside the door. I told the police that. And I told them If they reviewed the tapes again they'd see i put clothing on that rack. They completely ignored what I said. And just kept saying if I didn't come and return stolen items they'd file charges on me tomorrow. It's tomorrow and I'm lost on what to do.
There isn't much that you can do right now except to cooperate with the police ONLY to show up when/or they tell you. DO NOT give a statement or try to explain anything. The police and ultimately Kohl's has the burden to prove that you actually stole the merchandise.

If you are charged you will have the opportunity to retain an attorney who can review your case and give you guidance.

Until you are formally charged and the police have a warrant for your arrest, DO NOT speak with them about the case, make any admissions, or try to explain anything. DO NOT allow them to search your person, your car or your home.
They said a pair of jeans i tried on had tags of other items in them. But I found these jeans on a Clarence rack. Idk if they had tags in them or not. I don't normally check the pockets of things i try on but if there are don't they have to take into consideration that there's no proof i put those in there and these jeans are open to the public to try on. Which means anybody could've put those tags in there. How can they possibly blame it on me. The police have not contacted me since last night. And I'm going nuts not knowing if I'm gonna get charged for something i haven't done.
And I gave them permission to search anything and everything I have nothing to hide. I also told them I'd come to the police station if they needed but they told me not to bother.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. If your version of event is accurate (not doubting you) this is what is called a "Bad Stop". The store (you should not have named) has a criteria to meet before making stop or involving Police does not meet that! Dont blame Police they are acting on info store gave them. Answer NO POLICE questions WITHOUT and Attorney! If this goes to court seek video through discovery process since as you state it shows your innocence. Again answer no Police or store questions. The store will send you a Civil Demand notice asking for money. Do not ignore letter. Contact the Law firm that sends it tell them you are fighting charge and wish to hold off payment until court case is resolved.
It's bad enough now my son's father will think I'm a thief and Lord knows my nosey neighbors were Prolly outside listening. Now I will have to pay an attorney n waste my time on this. This is absolutely horrible. I will never spend another penny at this store and will recommend my friends and family stay clear of that.
It's bad enough now my son's father will think I'm a thief and Lord knows my nosey neighbors were Prolly outside listening. Now I will have to pay an attorney n waste my time on this. This is absolutely horrible. I will never spend another penny at this store and will recommend my friends and family stay clear of that.

Whatever you do, make sure this is part of your strategy:
It's been three days since the police have threatened to file charges if I don't confess and return stolen items. Can I assume they went back to the videos and saw that I put the clothing on the rack where I told them. Or should I cancel all my appointments this week and stay home for fear I'm gonna get arrested
It's been three days since the police have threatened to file charges if I don't confess and return stolen items. Can I assume they went back to the videos and saw that I put the clothing on the rack where I told them. Or should I cancel all my appointments this week and stay home for fear I'm gonna get arrested

Okay, what I would do is NOTHING.

I wouldn't live in fear, I'd just live a law abiding life.

I'd work, play, relax, have fun, and stay away from THAT store forever and a day!

If the cops do come calling, you remain calm, be polite, and say, "I wish to remain silent as is my right. I want a lawyer, and I will cooperate with the booking process, but will not discuss any aspect of the case or the theft allegation."

Look at this, again. Try to memorize as much as you can, and be ready:
In the meantime, contact a bail binding agency (or two), and ask what the bond is for the kind of theft you think they might charge you with committing.

Get your bail money ready, just in case.

Get a friend, relative, or trusted amigo to be ready to bring the bail money to spring you from jail, just in case!

Bottom line, do what the Boy Scouts suggest, "Be Prepared!"
It's been three days since the police have threatened to file charges if I don't confess and return stolen items. Can I assume they went back to the videos and saw that I put the clothing on the rack where I told them. Or should I cancel all my appointments this week and stay home for fear I'm gonna get arrested

ASSUME NOTHING! Do as instructed above