Assault & Battery abusive babysitter

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New Member
my daughter was abused by her babysitter, i made a police report and tried to press charges but the police didnt do anything to help, and closed my case w/out letting me know and w/out investigating my case, what can i do?
my daughter was abused by her babysitter, i made a police report and tried to press charges but the police didnt do anything to help, and closed my case w/out letting me know and w/out investigating my case, what can i do?

What type of abuse. What were the findings of the police investigation? Did you report this to child protective services? Was the child seen by a doctor, if so what was the result?
my daughter was abused by her babysitter, i made a police report and tried to press charges but the police didnt do anything to help, and closed my case w/out letting me know and w/out investigating my case, what can i do?
Was there any proof?

How old is your daughter? What was the nature of the "abuse"?

It could well be that there was no proof of any crime. Understand that a prosecutor needs to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt to convict a person at trial. If there is nothing more than the girl's statement, there may be nothing to show it happened.
Yea if nothing else and you have not already done so then contact cps.
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