Probably some poor schnook up to his ears in debt looking for an easy way out.
a4v or AForV = Accepted for value.
Army Judge found the same resources that I did.
As far as I can tell it's some sort of lunatic scam that purports to allow you to incur debts and pay them off without actually sending money.
Makes about as much sense as the lunatic theories that:
1 - The income tax is voluntary and you don't have to pay it.
2 - You never need a driver license because you have a "right to travel" that the lunatics define as a right to drive your car anywhere without a driver license.
Nuff said.
Yes, my friend, all true.
Plus, some of those poor, confused, overwhelmed people even use the AFV SCHEME/SCAM to as a defense against traffic citations.
I had a poor soul try to use it as a defense so that I would order the police to UNARREST him, and the sheriff to FREE him.
Guy was arrested for thumping his wife with his "fists of fury", and each of his three daughters (ages 7, 10, 12)!!!!
They all ended up hospitalized for a myriad of injuries.
The "fists of fury" story must have been retold hundreds of times.
He became irate and threatened my bailiff and several deputies, who somehow managed to avoid being harmed by the "fists of fury".
I simply observed the entire performance with child like amazement.