A bicycle hit my car

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New Member

I have two simple questions, please. As my car was waiting to turn onto the street, a bicycle going the wrong way on a sidewalk hit the side of my car. The police report states that the bicyclist was at fault. The bicyclist has been calling me, asking for a sum of money to fix his bike, and states that if I don't call him back and pay he will go to an attorney and also discuss supposed injuries received in the accident. If I do pay, he states that he will not pursue this any further.

I would like to just pay the small amount of money to have this go away, though I am concerned that if it doesn't go away, this could be construed as some sort of admission of guilt on my part. Do you agree?

I have not called the bicyclist thus far, and would like to, at least just to say that though I feel bad for the situation, I am not at fault and am not comfortable paying. I hesitate to make the call, though. I'm thinking that just making the call can affect me negatively in some manner. Do you agree, or am I just being paranoid?

(I did contact my auto insurer that day, and Claims suggested that I wait to inform them of the accident until such time the bicyclist makes a claim, especially as there was no damage to my vehicle.)

Thanks very much!
Listen to your insurance company.
Don't pay tribute.
Patience in all things.
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