LANDLORD GAVE ME A 60 DAY NON-EVICTION NOTICE TO VACATE. SHE SAID THAT THEIR INSURANCE WANTS MAJOR REPAIRS DONE TO THE HOUSE AND PART OF THE REPAIRS ARE REDOING THE FOUNDATION OF THE HOUSE. SHE DID NOT OFFER ME BACK THE PROPERTY AFTER THE REPAIRS WERE DONE. BASICALLY SHE WANTS ME TO PAY RENT FOR THE NEXT 2 MONTHS And be able to afford to get another place. Does she by law have to pay me relocation costs. I have no money to move especially if I am required to pay rent for the next 60 days. If she is required to pay relocation costs, how do I go about letting her know that. I am sure she already knows if its the case, she is just banking on the fact that I may not know and hoping to get away with not paying. If that is the case.