3rd degree assult charge NY

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New Member
Hi, I have a few questions reguarding a court appearance I have. I'll give you the short of the story.

My sis my friend and I went to the laundry mat to do our laundry. My sis's husband and family are not very nice people to be around. Anyway, My sis's sister in law happened to be there. After she started snickering, pointing in her direction, and mumbleing insults under her breath her and my sister ended up in a verbal fighting match. That went on for about 25 mins before I got involved. She ended up getting in my sisters face saying she was going to kill her and she knows where she lives ect.. My sis is 6 months preg so I got involved and told her she wasn't going to do anything. We then exchanged words and she approached me and I approached her. She came up to me, chest bumped me and said "what?" I shoved her out of my way and she charged at me and I hit her. I ended up giving her 10 stitches. Either my ring, or my key ring around my wrist caused the injury. I was put in cuffs when the cops came but they let me go. I never ended up at the police station because she admitted to starting the fight to begin with and she refused to go to the ambulance.. she drove herself. I have a court appearance on march 7th for 3rd degree assult class A misdimeanor. I'm wondering if since it's my first offense would I be looking towards jail time? Is it in my best interest to hire a lawyer even though money is tight and I would have to get out a bank loan? What do you guys recommend? I will accept anything like probation, community service, anger management.. basically anything but jail time. Oh and I am male. thanks for your time.
It would be very unusual to get actual jail time for a 3rd degree mis. as a first time offender.

I would recommend at least to consult an attorney to find out your options.
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