Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion 18 year old charged with two counts of 2nd Degree Burglary

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Hi. I am 18 years old and I have recently been arrested for two counts of 2nd Degree Burglary and Grand Larceny in accessory to three other friends who were also arrested. At one time we were also charged with Petit Larceny, but the charge was dropped when the felony cases were transferred to General Sessions Court. Although I know getting another arrest with these charges dosent look good, however, two weeks after the burglary arrests I was arrested again for Driving After Consuming in North Carolina. Before any of these arrests I had never been arrested, the only contact I made with the police was when I got my first speeding ticket! On the other hand, since the arrests I have taken steps to help better myself. I have recently enrolled in Community College as a full time student, I am currently in the process of admitting myself into rehab, and I have also limited myself from the friends that influenced me to do the crime. I have also taken the time to write a formal letter of apology acknowledging the severity of the crime, which also states I am embarrased by my unethical behavior and I have doubtlessly learned from my mistakes. If I am allowed to do so, I plan to read the letter to everyone in court on the day of the trial, and to provide statements from school, church, and rehab to ensure that by consequence of these offenses, I am taking new steps to help build my future instead of breaking it down. I do not know what to expect, as I stated before I have never been in trouble to this extent. I am worried about my future because I have always wanted to go somewhere in life, and now I feel like I have lost my chance of doing so. Some people have said that the court may reduce my charge, since I am between the ages of 16-19 but I just cant see this happening considering the charges I face, is that true? And will the actions that I mentioned before such as the the letter, schooling, or rehab help me in anyway, or is there even a chance they would consider comprehending my situtaion, and not automatically think that Im just some threatening felon? Although I can not afford a real lawyer, I was however accepted to get a public defender. If someone could please help explain the possible outcomes in relation to my situtation I would be very much appreciative. Thanks for the help, sorry about all the questions!
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This site is manned by "volunteers" who donate their own time to answer questions. We donot sit here 24/7 waiting for a question to pop up. You have some serious issues here that require a Lawyer
I agree that you need a lawyer, as there is a lot of grey area in what you posted.

If I am allowed to do so, I plan to read the letter to everyone in court on the day of the trial, and to provide statements from school, church, and rehab to ensure that by consequence of these offenses, I am taking new steps to help build my future instead of breaking it down.

Later you say you do not know what to expect. This is true. What you are discussing, this letter, is allocution (fancy word for apology). You do this at sentencing, not at trial. Also, you should keep it to yourself and your attorney, as it probably implicates your guilt. You may feel awful, but the criminal justice system punishes and protects more than it rehabilitates.

It's good all the things you are doing, it seems you are headed in the right direction.

again, get an attorney.
I dont have a real attorney, but I do however have a public defender.

The only thing I am worried about now, is when we all were arrested, they took us to the jail all at the same time to write statements.

I had no idea that you were not supposed to do this. I guess that shows that I have no knowledge with the legal system.
The only thing I am worried about now, is when we all were arrested, they took us to the jail all at the same time to write statements.

I had no idea that you were not supposed to do this. I guess that shows that I have no knowledge with the legal system.

People fall for that all the time. It's effective. And, yes, you shouldn't have done that.
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