Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft 16yr old shoplifting

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New Member
Well today i went to publix with a friend and i guess i ended up listening to him and we ended up taking a $7 dollar bag of candy cops were not called but we have been banned from the store and they said we have to pay a fine, well my question is do i still have to pay the fine even though the merchandise was unopened and returned, and also for the fact that the fine is not court ordered? I would really appreciate feedback! Ty for your time.
Who is telling you that you have to pay a fine - the store or someone in authority such as a cop or court?
Thx alot but hmm ive been reading up alot and ive noticed that in some cases i can come to a conclusion to to pay them the bare minimum which is $50 dollars and send them a letter with it stating that thats the amount i should pay, but is this true?
I understand, but ive noticed that in some cases the bare minimum of 50 dollars is sufficient and that they will not persue because they only sue about 10 times out of the year? But i really wanna make sure and jacksgal thanks for the site but ive read literally almost every topic bit cant really find much help with my specific situation because most of those cases involved police
Oh okay jacksgal thank very much i just hope the actual fine is 3x the price of the item and not the full $200 dollar amount :s
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