16 and pregnant

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New Member
My son is 17, his girl friend is 16 and 6 months pregnant. we live in Vermont she lives in New york. She wants to move out of her parents house because they are verbally abusive and do drugs. She does not want to bring the baby in to that house. Can she legally leave her parents house without parental permissions in NewYork? I am the paternal grandmother and am willing to take her in and the Vermont DCF has already said they would help her with whatever she needs once she is in Vermont. But I don't want to get in to trouble for her coming here.
Dont rock the boat! Your son could be in serious trouble. Age of consent in NY is 17 and 16 in VT Since she is 6 mos along they might have had sex when she was 15! Add to this they crossed state lines to have sex (Federal charge). Last thing you want to do at this point is place your son is a position to be charged with sex crimes and face lifetime registration as sex offender.
There is no state where she can legally move out of the house without permission until she is 18 unless she is removed from the house by the state. And in that case, she will be living where the state says she is, under their supervison, and not where she wants to live.
If her house is that bad she needs to call CPS or DCSS. That house is no environment to be in but she cannot legally move out unless social services removes her from the home. At any rate, VERY unlikely she will be sent to live with you. You are out of state and a non-relative. She needs to perhaps talk to a case worker and file a complaint and see about staying with another family member close by. They might even put her in foster care.
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