11-1204b Violation (Disobey Stop Sign)

Is traffic school not allowed anymore in Cook county?
Options I received from officer
1. Pay the fee on line
2. Go to court

Is there a way to change violation to lower level violation?
Is traffic school not allowed anymore in Cook county?

If you desire appearance information regarding a traffic citation, call the number of the court NOTED IN BOLD on the face of the traffic citation!

Can I attend any Traffic Safety School course offered on line to resolve a citation issued in Cook County?

No, the only court-approved line 4-hour Traffic Safety School course is the one offered by the National Safety Council.

You must choose one of the following three options if your citation is annotated witht he following "Appearance Not Required":

Option A: Plead guilty, pay the fine and receive a conviction Appearance Not Required

Option B: Plead guilty, pay the fine, attend Traffic Safety School and avoid receiving a conviction
Appearance Not Required

Option C: Plead not guilty and request a court date
Appearance Not Required

Any citation marked "YOU MUST MAIL OR LOG ONTO WWW.COOKCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURT.ORG" or "NO COURT APPEARANCE IS REQUIRED" is issued for a violation that does not require a court appearance and is punishable by fine only.

Appearance Not Required