Six loonies arrested in "cuckoo" plot to kidnap MI GOV Whitmer

army judge

Super Moderator
Organizing and maintaining a militia is one thing, but a plot like this leaves all those who choose to exercise their rights with a black eye.
These co-conspirators should expect the most severe penalties allowed.
Organizing and maintaining a militia is one thing, but a plot like this leaves all those who choose to exercise their rights with a black eye.
These co-conspirators should expect the most severe penalties allowed.

I don't agree with or condone any plots that attempt to harm another person.

I commend the AUSA, FBI, and MI State Police for thwarting these evil loonies.
They may have called themselves a militia but they were simply thugs.

There are no sanctioned private militias in this country. The federal government and the states are the only ones that may raise an army in this country. Private militia folks fall into the same deluded camp as those who believe in the sovereign citizen garbage, who believe that income taxes are voluntary and unconstitutional, and who believe that no law requires them to have a driver's license or register their cars. In short, they are all nuts.
Private militia folks fall into the same deluded camp as those who believe in the sovereign citizen garbage, who believe that income taxes are voluntary and unconstitutional, and who believe that no law requires them to have a driver's license or register their cars. In short, they are all nuts.

I'm curious how may private militia members you have met? Of the about 40-50 I have met none, ZERO, fall into that category.
More people appear angered and riled up about the few militia loonies who claim to exist.

Yet, when the ARMED military wing of the Donkey Party abused (even murdered) black, Catholic, (YES Catholics) and Jewish citizens; most donkey leaders and followers remained silent (or vocal in their support of the KKK).

The Ku Klux Klan and the Anti-Catholic School Bills of Washington and Oregon - Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project

The Ku Klux Klan, Anti-Catholicism, and Atlanta's Board of Education, 1916-1927 on JSTOR

Additional reading about the evil KKK and it's fight to eradicate Jews, Blacks, and Catholics:


The Ku Klux Klan vs. Catholics: a sad chapter in American history

Catholics tangled with KKK during Klan's 1920s resurgence

The 1920s were important in the history of the militant Donkeys (as the KKK existed and prospered outside of Dixieland) and would continue violating the rights of people of all colors, not only those people who descended from former slaves![/URL]
The federal government and the states are the only ones that may raise an army in this country.

That is debatable. It is a right of the people protected in the 2nd Amendment. After all, the necessity of a militia is the foundation for the right to bear arms.
If the people concede the right to form militias to state and local government then they also forfeit any need to keep and bear arms.
Not all militias are cuckoo- many are just people who simply choose to exercise their rights.
Not all militias are cuckoo- many are just people who simply choose to exercise their rights.

I agree, which is why I titled this thread: {Six loonies arrested in "cuckoo" plot to kidnap MI GOV Whitmer}, and never mentioned a connection to any "militia".

I have no issue with anyone choosing to exercise a right granted to them by our constitution.

However, even IF I did, I doubt that anyone would take note of my feeble objection.

I fully understand that any opinion I utter sounds to others much like the grunting, growling, hissing of a boar, buck, or other beast "rutting".

I'm curious how may private militia members you have met?

A few. And after meeting them I'm glad there are not more of them. I don't view so called "private militias" as a safeguard against liberty. Private armies are a danger in a free society. The right to bear arms guarantees an individual right to possess and carry firearms but nothing in it suggests a right to create a private army, and neither Congress nor the states sanction any private armies.
The right to bear arms guarantees an individual right to possess and carry firearms but nothing in it suggests a right to create a private army

The 2nd Amendment gives a specific reason why people have the right to keep and bear arms- because a well regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free state.

While legal definitions may vary, a militia, at the time the amendment was drafted, consisted of all able-bodied men. These were common citizens bearing common arms, not trained soldiers. Militias may be called upon to assist state/federal armies, but citizens are free to organize and train independently.

Remember that the Constitution does not grant rights, it protects them. The 2nd and 10th Amendments protect the right of the people to organize private militias.

How the people put those militias to use can be a problem, such as in this case.
Militias may be called upon to assist state/federal armies, but citizens are free to organize and train independently.

The bolded is the part that I have a problem with. I have had experience dealing with some private militias and from that experience I see them as dangerous threats to liberty and freedom. I have yet to see one that I would trust as a safeguard of liberty and freedom. Maybe there are some out there, but I have my doubts.
I understand the concern. There are definitely some kooks out there, but I wouldn't lump militias in with sovereign citizens, although some sovereigns may belong to militia groups.

You know the saying... Bad apples and all...