Recent content by ytrevino

  1. Y

    workmans comp injury

    Can some one refer an attorney who can represent my case and is knowledgable in tribal law?
  2. Y

    workmans comp injury

    Can anyone recommend a tribal law attorney who could assist me.
  3. Y

    workmans comp injury

    This happened in Arizona. The academy was for state certification. I was sworn in on the tribal side for passing the written tests and graduating. State workmans comp claimed it was a tribal matter, injury lawyers said they were not knowledgable in federal tribal laws.
  4. Y

    workmans comp injury

    This happened in the state of Arizona POST police academy and i entered the academy as a tribal police recruit. When i called injury attorney's or state workmans comp they told me since i was employed as a tribal recruit it does not fall under state workmans comp it is a tribal matter because...
  5. Y

    workmans comp injury

    This happened in the state of Arizona POST police academy and i entered the academy as a tribal police recruit. When i called injury attorney's or state workmans comp they told me since i was employed as a tribal recruit it does not fall under state workmans comp it is a tribal matter because...
  6. Y

    workmans comp injury

    I was hired as a non tribal member police recruit for a tribal agency. I was receiving pay from the agency while completing the 17 week academy. On the 16th week i tore my hamstring muscle completely off the bone you sit on during the obsticle course run for my completion of training. I was put...