Recent content by stew10453

  1. S

    Medical Malpractice medical negligence

    I work as a Risk Manager for a hospital. You need to contact the department of patient safety and/or risk management for the hospital. Tell them that you are concerned that the appropriate tests were not ordered, which has delayed diagnosis for your husband. See what they offer to do. You...
  2. S

    Personal Injury Claim--Compensation?

    low speed side impact MVA 2 years ago with whiplash. residual neck pain and headaches. Have gone through 2 rounds of PT, spinal consult. Spinal MD says will have trouble probably the rest of my life with this. Age 40, healthcare worker. What would be a REASONABLE request for compensation of...
  3. S

    Non-disclosure/Confid. agree for personal relationship

    My significant other is afraid that I will disclose personal information about our relationship and about him to his ex if I were to get angry (i.e. if he stopped seeing me). He has pending court actions involving custody. I understand his concerns, and would like to make a confidentiality...