My significant other is afraid that I will disclose personal information about our relationship and about him to his ex if I were to get angry (i.e. if he stopped seeing me). He has pending court actions involving custody. I understand his concerns, and would like to make a confidentiality agreement, wherein I would not reveal, unless ordered by a court of law, any conversations, information, etc. Is there a website or some place I can get a sample of one? I want to make it as tight as possible. Neither of us is rich, it's mainly just for his peace of mind, and would allow him a civil case if I knowingly or maliciously disclosed information about him.
Thanks for any help you can give. P.S. The pending court actions do not involve abuse, and i would not be attempting to cover up any type of illegal actions.
Thanks for any help you can give. P.S. The pending court actions do not involve abuse, and i would not be attempting to cover up any type of illegal actions.