Recent content by puertotampa

  1. P

    Will my ex-employer issue a fraudulent W-2?

    My ex-employer started paying employees in cash w/ no pay stub a few months before I quit. After a month or so of not being paid anything, I quit, and still have not received any money; same thing w/ several other ex-employees. End of year is here and I hear that the company will be issuing...
  2. P

    Won Judgement, filed FIFA, where do I go now?

    Wife and I rented our home for a brief time to someone while we were not living in it. She owes rent money. We won the judgment, she didn't show for her court date. I paid for a FIFA. Tried to garnish wages, but changed job counties. I think I may have located her current job and residence...
  3. P

    Bounced paychecks, unpaid for weeks, credit affected

    I'm curious about damages as well. If I get a lawyer, can they get something extra than just what I'm "owed".
  4. P

    Bounced paychecks, unpaid for weeks, credit affected

    Georgia, Atlanta area Just quit this job because at least unemployment can guarantee a paycheck. Company is having major financial trouble. Started bouncing multiple paychecks to all employees. Went 5 weeks w/out getting paid at one point. That affected my relationship w/ my bank and...