Recent content by jmarie67

  1. J

    Hello Lawprofessor, I miss you.

    Hello Lawprofessor, I miss you.
  2. J

    Victims Of Rumors - Safety Threatened

    I'm not meaning to misquote you, I thank you for taking your time, truly. I hope you understand my trepidation and fear. I am fearful of returning to my place of employment now, the only source of income for my children and me. So you're saying I can ask but they do not have to tell? Is...
  3. J

    Victims Of Rumors - Safety Threatened

    Victims of Rumors Thank you for your response. So, in other words, when this man brings his gun in and harms himself or others, it's perfectly fine because they said so? I went yesterday, and sat in fear of this man. I believe what his employee(s) said. If it were just the one, maybe...
  4. J

    Victims Of Rumors - Safety Threatened

    I was recently informed by a, employee of a different department that her manager had brought a hand gun into one of their department meetings last week. Needless to say, I was terrified. She indicated she didn't actually see the gun, but that he grabbed what appeared to be the handle of a gun...