Recent content by firetongue04

  1. F

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Possible emancipation???

    I live in Wisconsin. I really dont even know if Wisconsin emancipates minors at all. Thank you for your input on the situation. Anyone else have anything?
  2. F

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Possible emancipation???

    I'm 19 yrs. old and my 16 yr old girlfriend is 3 mo. pregnant. Statutory rape charges are not a concern of mine since I had her school social worker check on it. I was told that since our ages are close and it was consentual that it would be reported but I wouldnt be arrested. Now to my actual...
  3. F

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders 16 yr old girlfriend pregnant

    I am 19 years old with a 16 year old pregnant girlfriend. I know that I am in hot water right now,but how hot is it? We truly care about eachother (sex was consentual) and decided to keep the child. I am working full time and have every intention of taking responsibility in raising this child...