Recent content by bowen91

  1. B

    my wife and myself moved in with her mother then her mother put me out

    I would have gladly done that if I knew anyone in Alexandria other than my wife and her family.
  2. B

    my wife and myself moved in with her mother then her mother put me out

    Not necessarily force but allow me the opportunity to achieve what I originally planned to do. Better provide for my wife and daughter. And if one would not exist then yes sue.
  3. B

    im not her biological father but what to have the rights as one

    Please show me respect. She identifies with my photos and voice. But I thank you all the same for the information.
  4. B

    my wife and myself moved in with her mother then her mother put me out

    This happened back in October of this past year. I have been attempting to do such but being half blind not many people are lining up to offer me a job. I have been applying for aid left and right but to no avail because I'm homeless without an address to list.
  5. B

    my wife and myself moved in with her mother then her mother put me out

    me and my wife moved from my home town where i was working and providing for us and our child to alexandria (outside d.c.) with her mother. I began looking for a job and such but had conflict with her mother on multiple occassions. Her mother disapproves of our marriage but obvliously has no say...
  6. B

    im not her biological father but what to have the rights as one

    me and My wife have talked about this a few times but we keep hitting the same problem, our childs biological father. I married my wife while she was pregnant and preceded to provide for her and the child until other issuses regarding her family arose. The biological father wanted nothing to do...