Recent content by 17Alabama

  1. 1

    Now he's making threats.......

    I would really try to see if there is a probono lawyer you could possibly use (maybe in conjunction with UPenn) or even just call some kind of emergency hotline in your state that has a legal advocate. is really helpful. They give you lots of different information for people that...
  2. 1

    Abusive situation NEED OUT

    Please don't insult me cbg. In Alabama i can be emancipated at 16 I believe and I know for sure at 18. I know that I won't be though because everything goes to this one judge who would never emancipate me. Also in Alabama I can marry at 18 with no parent consent or anything like that. AND it is...
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    Abusive situation NEED OUT

    my mom does have joint legal custody, and sole physical custody as of now. we are trying to take measures before he has any physical custody of me. i agree though best to leave mom out of it
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    Abusive situation NEED OUT

    wait exactly how am I in violation of any laws? i can legally be out of state for 45 days
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    Abusive situation NEED OUT

    can i get emancipated out of my jurisdiction, such as another state. I am legally not allowed to move until my dad agrees to it (will never happen, already contested), a judge approves it (will never happen she already didn't allow me to when I had several good reasons), or I turn 19 ( which...
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    Abusive situation NEED OUT

    I don't know why you say I can't get married until 19. Every state's laws I have looked at say 18 including Alabama. Even if I needed a parent's permission I could get my Mom to, who has sole physical custody. Marriage laws vary by state. What could my husband possibly be charged with if our...
  7. 1

    Abusive situation NEED OUT

    I am only brought back home though if a cop runs my name through the system. If I refuse to go with him what is the worst they can do? put me in juvenile hall or just hold me at the police station until I comply? I would be much much much safer with the cops than with my father. I seriously...
  8. 1

    Abusive situation NEED OUT

    Courts don't listen to our psychiatrist or what I want. My father will take me away through the courts if I don't figure a way out. I would rather go to jail than live with him and risk being emotionally and physically abused even worse. I am 17 but I will be 18 in a month and a half. In...
  9. 1

    Am I an adult in another state?

    I have a horrible situation with my father. My mom has sole physical custody but they have joint legal custody. My Dad is incredibly emotionally abusive. He has the courts in his back pocket somehow and they won't listen to me or the family psychologist. They just do whatever he wants. I am...