my mother has temporary guardianship of my 2 year old

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i had given my mother temporary guardianship of my daughter when i was 19 years old and now 2 years later my new husband and i want to get custody of her again and she said that she is willing to make it get ugly and i need to know what all i have to show proof of in court in order to for the judge to decide in my favor???? i could use all the help that i could possibly get right now..thanks for all of your help
Did a court give your ma temporary custody?
Did a court give your ma temporary custody?

i was kinda black mailed into giving my mother custody because i messed up after i had my daughter and i left her with my mom for three days when she was 3 months old to go and try to work things out with the father and my mother told me that if i did not agree to give her temporary guardianship that she would contact dfc and get her taken away from me and i would never see her again so i went to court and told my judge that i would allow her to have temporary guardianship because i was not ready to settle down and be a mother yet and there was no time limit set but my mother has told me recently told me that i would have to prove myself to her and if she told the judge that she did not think that i was ready that he would not grant for me to get custody of her back and i am getting married in a little over a week and my husband wants to be able to adopt her as his own and i need to figure out what all i need to show proof of to be able to go to court and get her back...:confused:
You need to file for custody and convince the courts that the child is better off with you. Since you are the mother you do have a chance, but the fact that the child has been with grandma for 2 years the courts might be reluctant to change.

You should be entitled to regular visits at the minimum so if you do not get custody back you could ask for a set visitation schedule.

An attorney is your best bet here.
This kind of happened to me i left my son with my mother while i went to florida to help out a relative while i was there she filed that i had abandoned him too make a long story short i pretty much got forced to sign over guardianship. I stayed in contact with my son and mother and did all the motherly things for him. So when i thought i was settled i went to terminate guardianship.All i did was type up a petition to terminate guardianshipand have int notarized, its best if you can get the childs father to sign one too and have it notarized. The things i was asked in court was if i had a home for him which i did, and how i would support him i didnt work at the time i was a student but my fiancee had a fulltime job and they took that into consideration. And if the reasons the guardianship had been placed where no longer an issue. My mom tried to make it hard for me too but the judge only wanted to here if there were real reasons I shouldnt have him and there were not any her vindictiveness worked against her. Hope this helps you.
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