Extension, Renewal lease amount clarification

Read the document CAREFULLY.
All one needs to know is there in black and white.

If there are supporting documents, read them, too.
Bill from 11/1/21
255-11-21 stmt 2c.pdf

The lease "should" be $1159.69, but the bill above mentions bunch of previous charges but no mention of $1159.69. It also mentions $1183.55. Does this mean that the rent is variable? The lease talks vaguely about changes, but I'm not clear
Sorry, I can't figure it out. your relative is going to have to go into the rental office and have them review his account with him and explain every item. He should bring his payment records with him.
You seem to be seeking specific legal advice on behalf of someone else. That's beyond the scope of a message board and wouldn't be legally proper for anyone other than an attorney admitted to practice in New York. Please also review the disclaimer at the bottom of every page at this site.

Once your relative receives an explanation, she should consult with a local attorney.

P.S. Not a good idea to post documents with your relative's full name and address.
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Having lived in an apartment last summer while moving between houses, he needs to check for fees (trash, water, internet, dog rent, late payment, etc)