How does interim custoday affect the final decision?

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New Member
When I left my ex common law spouse - he convinced me that it would be in our daughter's best interest to stay in the house until I have a permanent place of my own. Orginally, she was going to come to my parents house with me. Things did not work out at my parents place so I was staying with friends. I was working three part-time jobs trying to save enough money to secure a place, to pay rent and furnish a place. Given that when I left, I had nothing.

We agreed that it was best for our daughter to have both parents (1 wk. and 1 wk.). When he realized that I was not coming back to him..he served me with papers. I could not afford a lawyer. My first court appearance, he was granted interim, interim custody b/c I did not have a permanent residence of my own and I was working three jobs. I then got a legal aid lawyer and have since switched to a private lawyer.

What are the chances of getting joint custody of our daughter? He has told so many lies (that can be proven) in his affidavits. He has made it a big deal that I still have 2 jobs. I work 37 1/2 hours (Mon. to Fri. 8-4) at one and 1 hour (Thurs. 5:30 to 6:30) at the other per week.

It breaks my heart that my baby girl thinks that I don't want her. She wonders why I only want her sister (my daughter from a previous relationship); b/c the older sister lives with me.

Suggestions??? Encouragement...pls. anything.
Why don't you get 1 full time job? Not sure where you live but the job market across much of the US is very good.

Nobody can really predict what will happen but yes I would say you have a shot at joint custody.
Unfortunately this happens a lot. One parent leaves and makes a deal with the other parent because it's in the best interest of the child and the other parent can claim you abandoned the child. Does the father have a job? Surely he is out of the house as well. If you could work something out where your parents could watch the children while you are working that might be helpful in the judges final decision. Just tell the judge you had no intention of leaving the child there permanently and you were acting in the best interest of the child by leaving her in her home until you got your own place to live. Tell the judge you feel that the father is manipulating the situation to get back at you for leaving him and you feel that he may be lying to the child and telling her that you don't want her. Judges don't like for one parent to talk badly about another parent to the children. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your parents but if you could ask them for help in getting a place of your own to help you get your daughter back that would help your case. You probably wont get any kind of custody if you don't have a place of your own or aren't living with your parents. Let your parents know that you may lose custody of her and they may help you.
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