Grandparents rights when abuse is involved

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Long Story Short - My mom (grandmother) and I (aunt) have recently obtained legal gaurdiansip of my niece "A" and Nephew "B" while my other niece "C" recieved a lung transplant. "C" has passed away and my sis know wants her children back but we don't want to give them back because they are abused by their step dad. That was the main reason we asked for the kids in the frist place, but we didn't tell my sister that. We have seen the abuse and "C" had a home nurse who called CPS on the step dad. So it is documented. "A" and "B" tell us that mom and step dad argue about how hard he spanks them and when he kicks them, so she knows what is happening to the kids, and knows it's wrong. When the kids came to live with us they were extremely malnourished. "A" weighing 47lbs at 8yrs old, "B" weighing 37Lbs at 6yrs old. My sister is in TN, we and the kids are in CA.
My question is what, if any, right do my mom or I have in this situation? And what are our chances?
I can give other details if needed.
Thanks in advance for any responses.
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