giving up parental rights

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New Member
I have twin boys and I want their biological husband to give up parental right because my curret husband wants to adopt them. My children want this also. Their biological father has not seen them since we moved to NC 4 years ago. Their biological father also has not paid hardly and child support. He owes over 60,000 dollars!!! I do not think he will sign over his rights. It is possible for my children to be adopted by my current husband without the biological father signing off. Currently the only way I know how to reach the biological father is via e-mail. I am not aware where he lives exactly. I hear you can run an ad in the paper annoucing the want for the adoption and if the biological father does not respond after a certain amount of time, then the adoption can proceed. Any information would be helpful.
First of all you need to see an adoption attorney. They can tell you what needs to be done. Since the bio dad has not seen the kids or paid any support, it is possible you can have his rights taken away without his consent. Also have you tried calling CSE to find out why they have not gone after him for support? It is because he lives in Canada?
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