Custody/Visitation Being Challenged by Es

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New Member
I have written before but I have a couple of important questions.

Daughter awarded custody with no visitation for her baby (I believe it was because the father never responded to any papers served on him as he was being evasive and in hiding so he didn't have to receive them). When he found out what the Judge ordered he was not happy and is taking her to court. He is claiming the papers were served to him improperly. He is claiming that he moved out two weeks before she moved and that he was living with his mother, which is not true. He was still there when she left – matter of fact the day before she left she told him to get out (the lease was in her name only) and he refused. When we went down a month later to retrieve her belongings all his stuff was still there and he was getting his mail and hers (as he had opened her mail insurance card for the baby, etc. and thrown it all in the garbage). Also when we received the death threat the cops called his mother several times and she claimed she did not know where he was. So my question is – she gave her lawyer his last known address (which is where they were living) as she had no other address for him and that is where his mail was going. According to her ex-landlord his mail is still going to that address. She was right on her part was she not?????

Court is in a couple days and I just wanted to see if she did the right thing as she had no other address for him and to her knowledge that is where he was still living.

Also her judge is going to ask for supervised visitation – if the Judge goes along with this who picks who does the supervising (my daughter, her lawyer or the Judge). We can't do it do an Order of Protection and the lawyer doesn't want his mother do to the possibility of the baby being kidnapped (which would be very possible).

I am not sure if they will get into all this at the next Court hearing or not - the lawyer thinks the Judge just may make a motion to reopen the case for now – does anyone know what might go on?

I really appreciate all the advice and answers to my questions I have received. I am sorry I had to be so long with this message. Hopefully everything will be done with soon and I won't need to write any more long messages.

Thanks again for all responses. They have been very helpful.
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