Confusing Custody, PLEASE HELP

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Me and my ex have a special possesion order until the child starts Kindergarten then it turns to standard possession. The Special possession order states: It is ordered that he shall have the right of possession on the 1st Sunday at 6 p.m. until the 3rd Sunday at 6 p.m.. It is further ordered that this right of possession shall include the periods of possession for summer visitation. I shall have the right of possession of the child at all other times not specifically designated in Special Possession Order for him.

Can someone please explain the summer visitation sentence. Does this mean he gets her for 2 weeks a month out of the year and summer visitation which is 42 days in the summer? Someone please explain.
Right of "possession"?

Good grief. In order to be politically correct and avoid saying "visitation" and "custody" now we talk about kids like they were bags of salt.

Anyway, does the order spell this out?

Where did you get the order?

Ask whoever gave you the order your questions.
The order states this as the Special Possession Order Until Child Starts Kindergarten.

This is a TX state Court Order
Maybe there is a separate paragraph listing summer visitation that you missed?
just checked your message now im from australia and they call it here for custody .now its called residence and the term for access is now called contact and then the system changes and changes dear oh dear lets keep up date its confusing here for me belive me and im the maternal grandmother raising my daughters child and the paternal grandparents piggy back the fathers time if he dont want to see the child they see the child
but they think we got equal rights as grandaprents not so as im my case i have had my grandchild since a newborn and now is nearly five they say here its called status quo who ever has had the child the lo ngest as its a long time for the child in there eyes and i have long term welfare with the parents etc but i make the main desiions over all my daughter can go for her child anytime for shared residence but not the father as some dv issues and also other issues.
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