Child Support Based On Base Salary Or Total Salary With Overtime

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New Member
i know that in wisconsin the child support is 17 percent of gross pay.
my ex makes a minimum of about 18.19 cents an hour for 40 hours. however, he always works at least 10-20 hours extra a week, at time and a half. he says he is only responsible to pay 17 percent of his base pay.....anything he gets paid over and above due to working overtime, is his to keep.
is this true?
If he gets overtime on a continuous basis and it shows up on a W2 then you MIGHT be entitled to some of it. Most CSE's allow a review every 2-3 years, so you can call them to see if you qualify.

Overtime though can always be stopped by the company so some judges are reluctant to base CS off of it.
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