Adoption help!

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New Member
Hello there,

My name is Ryan Boyd,im from the UK and im needing some help.
Ive just found out that im adopted,as you can imagine im pretty shook up about it.Any way,my mother is my real birth mother but my father is not,Im on the adopted persons register,in the uk when a step parent wants to adopt a partners child, both must adopt the child by law,even if one is the birth parent.Im wondering is there any way I can get my adoptive fathers name removed as my named parent?This man has given me years of pain,and I do not wish for him to be my father,by law any way!I have also gained my real birth certificate,my surname is obviously not the same,but can I reregister my self under my origanal name(my mothers maiden name) of whiteside instead of Boyd?

Any advice would be great

Boydie said:
Hello there,

My name is Ryan Boyd,im from the UK and im needing some help.
Ive just found out that im adopted,as you can imagine im pretty shook up about it.Any way,my mother is my real birth mother but my father is not,Im on the adopted persons register,in the uk when a step parent wants to adopt a partners child, both must adopt the child by law,even if one is the birth parent.Im wondering is there any way I can get my adoptive fathers name removed as my named parent?This man has given me years of pain,and I do not wish for him to be my father,by law any way!I have also gained my real birth certificate,my surname is obviously not the same,but can I reregister my self under my origanal name(my mothers maiden name) of whiteside instead of Boyd?
I'm sorry to hear about your situation but at least you should remain unaffected by this issue that concerns you only as a technicality.

To begin, it may be of beneficial for you to have him listed as your father for several reasons, including financial no matter how much disdain you may have for the man. I'm just making you aware of this since many might feel that at least they can be provided some financial benefit from such an awful relationship. At worst, the money can be given to a charity, some good cause where people may benfit.

There must be some office in the UK which deals specifically with these kinds of records, probably in a governmental agency or main courthouse. They might be able to answer your question directly as well as providing you with forms to accomplish your mission. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Good luck to you and look forward to a great future!
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